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更新日期: 2021-4-19  


In the previous article, we mainly introduced the application of cycloaliphatic epoxy resins in UV curing inks and UV curing coatings. In this article, we will focus on the application of cycloaliphatic epoxy resins in SLA 3D printing and UV curable adhesives. Nantong Synasia New Material Co., Ltd. has more than ten years of experience in the production of cycloaliphatic epoxy resins. We can provide customers at home and abroad with high-quality products and services. We are committed to becoming a world-class manufacturer and service provider of advanced chemical materials.


The cycloaliphatic epoxy resin is a low molecular compound containing two cycloaliphatic epoxy groups. It is not a polymer itself, but when reacting with the curing agent it can generate a polymer with excellent-performance three-dimensional structure. Advantages include low viscosity, good thermal stability, low halogen content, great electrical performance, excellent UV-resistant and non-yellowing performance, low migration and no oxygen inhibition after UV curing, etc.

UV cured cycloaliphatic epoxy resin applications

l  SLA型3D打印 / SLA type 3D printing

l  UV光固化膠黏劑 / UV curable adhesives

2.3  3D打印篇 / 3D printing

● 依照設備工藝不同,市場較成熟的UV光固化3D打印分為SLA和DLP兩種。

● According to different equipment processes, mature UV curing 3D printing in the market is divided into SLA type and DLP type.

●  DLP-3D打印通常使用光固化常用的自由基丙烯酸酯作為主要原料,以實現(xiàn)快速光固化成型。而相比DLP-3D,SLA-3D通常打印工件體積更大,打印時間更長,需克服純自由基光固化固有的氧阻聚和高收縮率等缺點。

●  DLP-3D printing usually uses free radical acrylates as the main raw material to achieve rapid UV curing. Compared with DLP-3D, SLA-3D usually prints larger workpieces and spends longer printing time. It needs to overcome the inherent disadvantages of pure free radical UV curing such as oxygen inhibition and high shrinkage.

● SLA-3D打印所采用的脂環(huán)族環(huán)氧樹脂是由聚合物單體與預聚體組成,加有光引發(fā)劑 (光敏劑),一般為液態(tài)。脂環(huán)族環(huán)氧樹脂經(jīng)過一定波長的UV光照射后,引起聚合反應最終固化。

● The cycloaliphatic epoxy resin used in SLA-3D printing is generally liquid, which is composed of polymer monomer and prepolymer, as well as photoinitiator (photosensitizer). After the cycloaliphatic epoxy resin is irradiated with a certain wavelength of UV light, it causes the polymerization reaction to finally cure.

● SLA 3D打印用途 / SLA-3D printing applications

l  航天航空領域 / aerospace

SLA 模型可直接用于風洞試驗,進行可制造性、可裝配性檢驗

The SLA model can be directly used in wind tunnel tests for manufacturability and assemblability inspection.

l  模具鑄造領域 / mold casting


The emergence of rapid prototyping technologies such as SLA technology and FDM technology provides the guarantee of faster speed, higher precision and more complex structure for the production of casting molds.

l  文化藝術領域 / culture and art


3D printing technology is mostly used for artistic creation, cultural relic reproduction, digital sculpture, etc., to produce various creative arts and crafts, cartoon villains, and model making of creative cultural products.

l  汽車領域 / automotive


UV curable molding technology is used to make prototypes of very complex shapes and structures to verify the designer’s design ideas, and use the prototypes for functional and assembly inspections. It can also be used for flow analysis in engine test research.

l  生物醫(yī)學領域 / biomedical field


SLA technology can produce biologically active artificial bone scaffolds, 3D printed liver models, 3D printed skulls, and 3D printed cochlea.

l  設計領域 / design field


SLA UV-curing technology brings all the creative designs in the designer's brain to show reality immediately.


As cycloaliphatic epoxy resin has the characteristics of low viscosity, low swelling, fast curing, low shrinkage and high photosensitivity, it has extremely broad application prospects in the field of UV curing, especially in the emerging market like 3D printing.

基于脂環(huán)族環(huán)氧的陽離子固化體系,有收縮率低,機械強度高,不存在氧阻聚等優(yōu)勢,故廣泛應用于 SLA-3D打印配方。同時,脂環(huán)族環(huán)氧基團的引入,對提高機械性能和固化速度均有不同程度的幫助。

Cycloaliphatic epoxy based cationic curing system has the advantages of low shrinkage, high mechanical strength and no oxygen inhibition, so it is widely used in SLA-3D printing formulations. At the same time, the introduction of cycloaliphatic epoxy groups helps to improve mechanical properties and curing speed to varying degrees.

發(fā)展前景 / Prospects

3D打印技術 / 3D printing technology


The integration of machinery, materials, computers, communications, control technology and biomedical technologies can shorten product development cycles, reduce R&D costs, form an integrated manufacturing of complex-shaped workpieces, change manufacturing and production modes, and affect human life style.

2.4  UV光固化膠黏劑 / UV curable adhesives

● 主要組分:預聚物、光引發(fā)劑、活性單體等組成,根據(jù)不同的需要還可加入增感劑、增塑劑、穩(wěn)定劑、增粘劑、抗氧劑等各種助劑

● Composition: prepolymer, photoinitiator, reactive monomer and various additives such as sensitizer, plasticizer, stabilizer, tackifier, antioxidant according to different needs

● 優(yōu)點:固化速度快,生產(chǎn)線簡化,生產(chǎn)過程環(huán)保,低VOC,固化膜綜合性能好

● Advantages: fast curing, simplified production line, environmentally friendly production process, low VOC, good overall performance of cured film

● UV光固化膠分類 / UV curable adhesive varieties:

l  UV壓敏膠(PSA) / UV pressure sensitive adhesive


Decorative film, various protective films to structural tape, advertising boards, electronic products, high-end packaging boxes

l  UV復合膠 / UV composite adhesive


Adhesives for composite film of packaging materials such as food and medicine

l  UV建筑膠 / UV construction adhesive


Shop windows and decoration, stained glass

l  UV電子膠 / UV electronic adhesive


UV curable bonding is a necessary technical means in the manufacture of electronic products. With the thinning of electronic products and the emergence of organic optoelectronic devices and flexible bendable display devices, there is a huge demand for UV adhesives that adapt to the roll-to-roll process.

l  UV光學膠 / UV optical adhesive


Touch screens are currently the largest application of UV optical adhesives. The UV optical adhesive in the touch screen has 3 functions: bonding, increasing light transmission and improving impact resistance.

l  UV醫(yī)用膠 / UV medical adhesive


Medical pressure-sensitive adhesive or tape is changed to UV curing preparation, which can form a series of products.

Initial formulation of UV curing adhesives

發(fā)展前景 / Prospects

● 自由基光固化優(yōu)勢 / Free-radical UV curing advantages

l  固化速度快 Fast curing

l  性能易于調節(jié) East-to-adjust performance

● 陽離子光固化優(yōu)勢 / Cationic UV curing advantages

l  硬度高 High hardness

l  收縮體積小 Small volumetric shrinkage

l  粘結強度高 High bond strength

l  耐磨 Abrasion resistant


Cationic curing system has the disadvantages of slow curing speed, few types of oligomers and reactive diluents, high price of photoinitiators, and difficult adjustment of cured product performance. If the free radical and cationic hybrid UV curing system are properly combined, it is expected to learn from each other's strengths, and obtain a UV-curable adhesive with fast curing speed, small volume shrinkage, low internal stress of the adhesive layer and high bonding strength.

雙重固化技術是將UV固化與其他固化方式結合起來的固化技術。由于UV光固化存在著自身的缺點: 只有UV光能照射到的地方才能固化,UV光照不到的地方很難固化完全。而雙重固化方式結合了各種聚合反應的優(yōu)點,表現(xiàn)出很好的協(xié)同效應。將雙重固化技術應用于膠粘劑的研制,必將賦予UV固化膠粘劑更強大的競爭力。雙重固化膠粘劑由于有暗反應的幫助,可以克服光固化膠粘劑的很多限制,可以擴展UV固化體系在不透明的材質之間、形狀復雜的基材上、超厚涂層及有色涂層等中的應用。

Dual curing technology combines UV curing with other curing methods. UV curing has its own shortcomings: it can be cured only where UV light can be irradiated, and it is difficult to cure completely where UV light is not irradiated. The dual curing method combines the advantages of various polymerization reactions and shows a good synergistic effect. The application of dual curing technology to the development of adhesives will definitely give UV curing adhesives more powerful competitiveness. With the help of dark reaction, dual-curing adhesives can overcome many limitations of UV-curing adhesives. They make the UV curing system applicable to opaque materials and complex-shaped substrates, as well as ultra-thick coatings and colored coatings. 

總結 Summary


At present, global economy is accelerating towards low-carbon development. Energy conservation, emission reduction, green energy and sustainable development have gradually become the focus of every country around the world. UV-curing materials can provide very fast, solvent-free curing speed, which greatly reduces environmental pollution. In recent years, as an environmentally friendly green material, it has developed vigorously and has a wider range of applications. With the increase in the varieties of high-performance resins and photoinitiators, as well as the continuous innovation of curing technology, more and more UV curing applications have brought more and more high-quality products to people.

上一條: 脂環(huán)族環(huán)氧樹脂在UV陽離子光固化中的應用 下一條: 一分鐘帶你了解光固化涂料

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